6 Ways to Improve Brand Loyalty Through Digital Marketing

Brand loyalty has the power to grow your business and sustain long term growth. Building brand loyalty is all about creating long term ambassadors that will support, recommend and talk about your brand everywhere. But how do you build brand loyalty? Here are six digital marketing tips you can follow to reap the many benefits of brand loyalty. 

1. Build A Community With Your Consumers Through Social Media 

Keep in mind that consumers are people – all we want as humans is to feel appreciated and feel like we belong. Build a relationship with your consumers through social media by replying to comments, sending personalised messages, rewarding them with promotions and more. Social media is all about building connections. A lot of brands don’t benefit from social media because they use it completely wrong: they only use it to sell their brand instead of interacting with customers. 

2. Offer Discounts or Loyalty Rewards Via Email 

Exclusivity is always positively received. This is why it’s important for brands to always offer new customers exclusive discounts. When the first time customers get a discount that’s personalized just for them, they will feel special and are more likely to buy from your brand. Offering loyalty rewards will also motivate customers to keep on buying from your brand since they know that they will be receiving something from your brand in return for their brand loyalty. A study by Crowd Twist found that 76% of women and 72% of men are likely to shop at a business that offers a loyalty program.

3. Ensure That You Have Consistent Branding 

Consistency is vital in building loyalty. If you keep on changing your logo, for example, people won’t be able to recognize your brand and won’t interact with you at all. Therefore, your brand should have a rock-solid visual consistency. But not only that, you need to make sure that you are able to deliver what you promise to your customers. If your mission says something, it’s your responsibility to reflect your mission in your brand’s products and services. When you have strong branding, you’ll be able to separate yourself from your competitors which will definitely make customers loyal to your brand.

4. Enhance Customer Service by Levelling Up Your Website 

Customer service begins from the time any customer shows interest in your brand up until they turn into loyal customers. Most customers will either discover you first from social media or through your website. Therefore, you need to welcome your customers and provide them with the best customer service to make them buy from your brand. When you have excellent customer service, customers will keep coming back for more. This is why it’s highly important to have a website that has an outstanding UX (User Experience) design. As a brand, you need to provide customer convenience by providing all the information a customer might need from you. One great way to enhance customer service is by providing a chatbot on your website which will be available 24/7. 

5. Focus on Content Marketing 

Don’t just keep on selling. Understand your customers’ wants and needs and provide it for them. If you want to build brand loyalty, you need to make an effort to build a relationship with your customers. So next time they buy a product from you, send them a personalized email, or a special discount. A lot of brands overpromise in their websites and social media platforms but underdeliver. Don’t be like the rest, your goal should be to underpromise and overdeliver – exceed your customers’ expectations as often as possible. 

 6. Work with a Digital Marketing Agency in Dubai 

Building brand loyalty is never an easy process but working with a digital marketing agency like Parachute – can help you ensure that you’ll be getting the results you want. By working with Parachute, you’ll be able to get things done and ensure that every digital marketing campaign you put out there will be appreciated by your customers. 

Let’s get started with your project? Contact us for a free proposal.

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