Lead Generation Through Content Marketing

Lead generating content marketing is a strategic marketing effort that focuses on creating and distributing interesting, engaging, and relevant content to attract and create leads from a predefined visitor persona. The lead magnets attached to this marketing activity are quite high stakes in nature as content has the power to make or break a deal for your business. In essence, the better your content marketing strategy, the more leads you will capture. 

1. Develop a Buyer (Customer) Persona 

Do you know it is possible to generate a ton of leads and not make a single sale? The fundamental principle of creating content that works is that it must suit your ideal audience. If you create content that isn’t for your ideal audience, you might not generate any leads or end up getting unqualified leads that won’t convert into a sale, which is even worse than not generating any leads at all because you would be wasting valuable resources trying to convert low-potential leads. Before you start with content marketing, you first have to locate your target audience and create a buyer persona for them. 

2. Match Content to Search Intent 

Just about any website out there is optimized to generate Google organic traffic. In most cases, this process includes identifying relevant keywords and including them in the on-page copy and the anchor text of backlinks. Yet, the most important piece of the optimization puzzle is giving searchers what they were looking for – optimizing for search intent.

3. Create High Converting Emails 

If you live and breathe conversion rate optimization the way that I do, you’ll probably agree with me that not all landing pages are created equal. This is especially true in the aspect of lead gen. Most landing pages don’t perform well and they may only occasionally get a few opt-ins. However, others are capable of much more. The first thing that you’ve got to understand is the anatomy of a perfect landing page. It must begin with a compelling headline, have a strong and captivating opening and then build interest as readers move down through the copy. 

4. Offer Books and Downloads 

Have some information you want to share? Don’t just give it away without getting something in return. Turn the information into a well-written ebook or PDF download available on your website. Then, ask interested consumers to provide you with their name and email address to download it. You can add this information to your email list to create an email drip campaign that helps move customers through the sales funnel at certain points, maximizing conversions. 

5. Host a Webinar 

I’ve been blown away by the sheer power of webinars to produce an avalanche of warm, targeted customers. Like e-books, the success of a webinar will depend on whether it offers anything of real value to people.

Only when a webinar is considered to offer value will people happily give you their contact details and information. Of course, in exchange, you have to provide real hands-on training, examples of real-life applications, and real expertise — all while they sit in the comfort of their homes or offices.

Want to generate leads through content marketing? Parachute has a team of experienced content writers who would love to help you. We have over 40+ collective years of experience when it comes to digital marketing. Let’s work together.

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