Top 8 Benefits of Video Marketing

Picture this: you’re scrolling through Instagram and suddenly you stop because a post has caught your eye. Most of the time you experience this when you see a video.

6 Common SEO Errors and How To Fix Them

There are a lot of SEO resources on how to improve your SEO practices but the common mistakes are often overlooked. Here are some of the most common SEO mistakes brands make and how to fix them.

Top 6 Reasons for Rebranding

Rebranding is not just a vanity exercise but a calculated business decision. It’s a conscious decision to improve your business reputation and image.

5 Most Effective Customer Retention Tips

Staying competitive in the digital age is not easy. Customers can easily be tempted to try to jump to another company or service if you don’t have a strong customer retention strategy.

What is CMS and Why Do You Need One

A CMS acts as a single place to store content and provide automated processes for collaborative digital content. This means that your whole team can use these systems to create, edit, organize and publish content in a very easy way.